Gestão da inovação em serviços e relacionamento estratégico no transporte público

Jaciane Cristina Costa, Rafael Lubeck, Wagner Junior Ladeira


The interest for the sector of services has grown and assumed an important role in the emergent economies. The present article presents a study of multiple cases that it searched to analyze the management of the innovation in services, on the optics of the implantation of the electronic tickets enters the companies’ associates of public transports. It was observed that the technology used in the system of electronic tickets is considered the biggest technological innovation for the firms in the last years and that opens possibilities to revolutionize the systems of control and management of the collective transport. Finally, in that if it relates to the innovation in services, it fits to point out that the improvements related to the companies and its methods, mentioning themselves it integration of activities had seemed to be a promising form to satisfy the requirements of a consuming market each more demanding and selective time; as well as of if getting excellent profits in a sector in full decrease.


Management of the innovation; strategic relationship and services



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