Economia, tecnologia e inovação: da teoria da firma à gestão da inovação

Luciana Manhães Marins


The neoclassical economics approach regards technology as a static variable that firms can acquire in the market. Firms, in turn, represent rational agents that, in order to maximise profits, perform in a predictable way. By deduction, in this context the innovation process represents a mere optimised resources allocation activity. The elaboration of The Theory of the Firm paves the way to other perspectives about how technological innovation process takes place inside the firm. The Theory of the Firm states that the coordination of the resources allocation process is incorporated by firms. The innovation process becomes intra-organisational and firm-dependent. Therefore, previously neglected aspects, such as diversity, organisational routines, technological capabilities, strategy, innovation efforts, and, even so, coordination and management, turn into part of the debate. Firms become to be understood as agents who based on their bulk of competencies and technological domain, aligned with a specific strategy, try to establish their own evolution path. This study examines the evolution of the economics perspectives regarding innovation and technology, highlighting the relevance of the Theory of the Firm as theoretical driving force to the elaboration of amplified approaches about the technological innovation process inside firms.


Economics; Innovation Management; Technology



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