Ethics, Personal Values and The Purchase of Counterfeits

Matheus Lemos de Andrade, Ramon Silva Leite, Simone Teresinha Chaves de Andrada Ibrahim


Understood as a deviant behavior due its economic and social effects, the purchase of counterfeits is a socially accepted behavior among several segments of Brazilian society. The present study was based on theories of personal values and ethics to understand and explain the propensity to buy counterfeit goods. For that, a survey was carried out with 479 consumers from Minas Gerais. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, mean comparison tests, and Structural Equation Modeling (PLS). The results show a higher propensity to buy counterfeits among consumers with lower schooling, family income and age. A positive influence of the teleological rationality on the attitudes towards the counterfeit, as well a negative relation between such attitudes and the deontological rationality was verified. About personal values, the results show that while the motivational types Stimulation and Hedonism favor such attitudes, self-determination and the realization inhibit.


ethics; personal values; buy counterfeits; ethics in consumption



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