Organizational corruption and a decolonial justification for whistleblowing practices

Felipe Fróes Couto, José Vitor Palhares, Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri


In this essay, we explored the notions of organizational corruption and its respective whistleblowing, based on the decolonial view brought by the philosopher Enrique Dussel. We aim to answer the following question: How Enrique Dussel's notion of Parousía can provide a theoretical justification for whistleblowing practices? We present the view of organizations as instances of mediation, which have delegated existence, and which must meet certain requirements to be legitimized. Then, we explore how organizational corruption derives from a fetishized exercise of power. We observed that the act of whistleblowing can be seen as an impulse of otherness in which the subject, even at the cost of his/her own life and well-being, is guided by responsibility towards the other. Whistleblowing practices, when analyzed in the light of Dussel's thinking, can be justified as the desire to overcome individual injustices by an ethical duty to serve the collective.


decoloniality; Enrique Dussel; power; corruption; whistleblowing



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