Intrapreneurship in the public sector through formative and educational actions of Brazilian schools of government

Alcielis de Paula Neto, Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer, Stela Cristina Hott Corrêa


Interorganizational improvements in public institutions include the resignification of their human capital, in addition to entrepreneurial skills. In this perspective, Schools of Government (SG) can contribute to the training and qualification of public officials. Thus, the objective proposed here is to understand the evidence of educational and training guidelines in favor of intrapreneurship in the public sector through SG. To this end, a multiple case study was carried out with three Brazilian Schools of Government at the three federal levels (federal, state and municipal). In-depth interviews were submitted to content analysis supported by the IRAMUTEQ software. The results point to the projection of innovation as a stepping stone of entrepreneurship and the hint of guidelines for a possible education process for the entrepreneurship of public servants, which would make them potential intrapreneurs. Among these guidelines, we highlight the analysis of the context, the student's profile, the teaching and learning methods, legal aspects, the adequacy of the infrastructure and the role of the facilitators (mentors). It is concluded that the analyzed SG´s contribute to the creation of public value and enhancement of the image of public organizations through the intra-entrepreneurial action of their employees.


schools of government; training and qualification; public servants; entrepreneurship education; IRAMUTEQ



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