The role of resilience in the relationship between stress and job satisfaction

Karlene Minely Nepomuceno Silva, Marcia Juliana d'Angelo


This study examines the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between work stress and job satisfaction. It is quantitative research with a sample of 418 workers from companies that operate in Brazil, analyzed through structural equation modeling and permutation analysis. The results show that resilience contributes to reducing the impacts of job stress on job satisfaction, indicating that the development and improvement of resilience should be encouraged in organizations so that employees can face adversity. Regarding the differences between millennials (up to 29 years old) and post-millennials (over 29 years old), the evidence shows that older employees can be more resilient; they deal better with colleagues and challenging situations and unexpected and accept challenges that contribute to professional growth. This study’s main theoretical contribution is the development of quantitative empirical research that relates labor stress and job satisfaction (consequent) influenced by resilience in a parsimonious model, not yet considered in the literature.


resilience; labor stress; job satisfaction; older employees



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