Normalization of pop divas’ bodies: haterization evidenced by digital influencers

Marília Abigail Meneses Batista, André Luiz Maranhão de Souza-Leão


Digital influence is an increasingly present phenomenon in society. Digital influencers appropriate pop divas and paratextualize them, evidencing the normalization that is imposed on their bodies. We then argue that the normalization applied to divas is carried out through a haterization process. Having said that, we seek to analyze how Brazilian digital influencers paratextualize the haterization of pop divas. For this, we analyze the discourse of digital influencers through Foucaultian Discourse Analysis. Our research archive was built from celebrity gossip blogs that have published news about pop divas. As for the results, we arrived at two discursive formations that reveal forms of resistance to the haterization of pop divas paratextualized by digital influencers: the first refers to the protection of divas, evidenced by the support for their choices and empathy regarding the attacks they suffer; the second materializes in the disclosure of the negative points of being a pop diva, who have their lives launched to the constant public judgment.


pop divas; digital influencers; haterization; paratext; discourse; Butler; Foucault



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