Special issue: ERP

Amarolinda Zanella Saccol, Cesar Alexandre de Souza
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RESI.2010.0901000


In the second semester of 2009, Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação released a special call for papers on ERP. Ten year after the concerns with the "millennium bug" (Y2K), which together with some other factors triggered the replacement of legacy information systems by trendy ERP, at least among large corporations, seems to be a good time to reassess that move. ERP technology has also become accessible to SMEs, and that has kept the market interesting for vendors, in spite of the existence of concern about ERP's actual effectiveness in providing any competitive edge to its adopters.

Associate editors Amarolinda Zanella Saccol and Cesar Alexandre de Souza, who had already made a beautiful job organizing one of the most consistent books on ERP systems in Brazil a few years ago, were "called on duty" again and present us with this precious gift: a very well organized theme focused issue that could even represent the seeds for, maybe, yet another interesting book in the future. Let us wait and see.

The editors' notes, themselves, represent a small lecture on the evolution of ERP systems over time. To read the full editorial notes, click on the link "Full text: PDF"

Congratulations to Marô and Cesar for the organization of this historic special edition for RESI!


Alexandre R. Graeml
